Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Last Day

Today is Wednesday.

It is our last day of class.

Today we wilpractice reading and writing some time words...

and we will practice telling time.

This afternoon, we will practice spelling lots of words with a, e, i o and u...

and practice reading and writing some simple present tense sentences. 

Monday, April 8, 2019


Today is Monday.

There was no school on Saturday and  Sunday.

How was your weekend?

   good        okay         bad

 What did you do?


went shopping



did the laundry


watched TV


Today we will practice making simple present sentences.

This afternoon, we will review the words with the short o sound .

Friday, April 5, 2019


Today is Friday.

Tomorrow will be Saturday.

There is no school tomorrow.

What will you do tomorrow?

go shopping



go for a walk 


watch TV


Today we will practice the outdoor chore words...

and we will practice writing some simple present sentences.

This afternoon, we will practice some words with o...

and review all the yard words.

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Outdoor Chores

Today we wilpractice reading and writing the outdoor chores...

and we will go to the library.

We will also practice asking and answering questions with Pat.

This afternoon, we will practice reading and spelling the short i words...

and we will review the house words.