Thursday, February 16, 2023

Happy Long Weekend!

Today is Friday.

Tomorrow will be Saturday.

The day after tomorrow will be Sunday.

The day after Sunday will be Monday,

There is no school on Saturday, Sunday and Monday.

We will have a long weekend.

What will you do on Family Day?

I will ________________________________.

I will ________________________________.

I will ________________________________.

Today we will practice copying some school words...

and correct some homework.

We will also go to the computer lab.

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Happy Wednesday!

 Today is Wednesday.

Today we will practice spelling some colours and use them in some sentences.

We will also practice spelling some school words,

correct the homework, review some prepositions of place,

and go to the library.

Monday, February 13, 2023

Happy Monday!

Good morning!

Today is Monday.

There was no school on Saturday and Sunday.

How was your weekend?

   good        okay         bad

 What did you do?


went shopping



did the laundry

went for a walk

watched TV


Today we will read a poster about a special event...

and practice listening to some names, addresses, and phone numbers.

We will also review the sentence rules and start Unit 2 in our Ventures workbook.